Did a fun thing straightning my hair today, någon sorts förändring. Jag har funderat över varför inte ens stadsbiblioteket kan vara helt tyst här i stan. Jag ville ju bara läsa. Sound of Silence, jag hatar dig hemma jag älskar dig borta och inte alls. Martin Heidegger, Jean-Paul Sartre, Kirkegaard stod det om någon annan. Nej, ingen annan.
Jag behövde till slut att jag kände att jag behövde gå ut idag och det gjorde min dag glad fastän jag trodde att den skkulle ha varit mycket roligare sedan också. När jag hjälpte Christine med franskan blev det bara mörkt. Och typ vinter mörkt och kallt och HAT.
Jag behövde till slut att jag kände att jag behövde gå ut idag och det gjorde min dag glad fastän jag trodde att den skkulle ha varit mycket roligare sedan också. När jag hjälpte Christine med franskan blev det bara mörkt. Och typ vinter mörkt och kallt och HAT.
Don't even know why it all changed so quickly, just wanted to be, staying happy. Like this sunny but still cold day. I wanted to be a sunny but still cold day.
But I hate darkness like nobody. Because it's me.Haha, I know it's not me. To wear my Just So Gangsta-tröja. Men jag gillar den ju så. Då spelar det ingen roll.
Måste verkligen träna i morgon och i morgon och alla andra dagar. Ska köpa kort så jag ska bli den jag vill vara. Ha, om det går att säga förstås. Nja.
Let you settle down!
7 kommentarer:
Det var så himla fint idag. If I were a day I would be like today. Like you said, cold, quick, bright.
I was so angry this morning. I woke up angry and it wasn't until after the second cup of coffee that I could think a good thought. Kaffe är riktigt. Jag är riktigt beroende på kaffe.
It will be something when I see you one day at the gym, on the treadmill or the stairstepper or whatever. And I won't even know how I know it's you. And this is just speculation about coincidence and not creepy at all, I don't stalk.
Haha! If you see a clumsy idiot, that's probably me.. Bara för att hjälpa dig lite på traven!
Jag visste inte att du inte var från Sverige, förstod det när jag läste om Svenska för invandrare i din blogg någonstans (jag hoppas att det inte är så dåligt som jag har hört).
Utan att verka otrevlig, bara konstruktivt, you say; beroende AV kaffe :)
I hate those kind of days, I remember one morning, I was so pissed off and less than 5 minutes after I woke up I yelled at my father: SHUT UUUUP!!
Yeah, I know. Teenagers...
But this day was totally different, and I've already decided that I'll go to the library tomorrow as well, I became way happier when I left school for a little while today.
I feel pretty stupid now.. Of course I've realised that you don't write in swedish (except for some sentences), but I still wasn't sure before.
Some swedes have their reasons to write in english, you know.
I was just thinking about what I had written, and thought to myself: "Woah, he must think I'm totally iq-befriad."
No worries. For real, for a little while there I had this notion in my head that you were a guy (ONLY because your old profile picture was just of your hair and it was short and I didn't look that closely and I was raised in a society of gender stereotypes). Didn't even read the part that said female.
But that doesn't really matter?
Also I've decided that you aren't native Swedish either, that you are from Quebec.
It would be cool if I were right, but I'm beginning to doubt my guessing capabilities.
But when I started to talk about feelings, you became more and more confused, right? ;)
So, Canada. I've always wanted to visit that country. Is it true that Americans make a lot of fun of Canadians? Som svenskar och norrmän?
Well, if I wasn't native Swedish (actually I'm Very native Swedish, since my greatgrandmother was Same), I'd really wished that I was from Quebec. Then I would be, like, good at both English and French. Now I'm pretty average at both..
But sadly, I just live in this boring, uninspiring Uppsala.. Men ibland är det vackert här med.
But why Quebec?
Because the French you write.
And also I think you're English reads really well. I couldn't tell from the way you write English that you aren't a native speaker.
I just turned in a paper. It's the first time I've done that in 18 months. It wasn't even finished, so typical of me to wait until the last minute. I'm not even that stressed out busy... I just have concentration issues. Or I'm stupid.
Thanks, I'm glad to hear that.
What kind of paper?
I kind of prefer to do things as fast as possible, just to gain some kind of freedom.. But that's not really true either. Cause then the only thing left is me. I'm not really a fan of that kind of freedom.
I want to do other stuff, really.
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